OK – it’s all starting to make a bit more sense now.
Has anybody else out there heard of notapushymum.com? A website dedicated to 'giving parents of performing children as much advice, information, and help as we can'. A laudable aim, I think we can all agree, although I’d be interested in the statistical breakdown between notapushymums vs. actual pushymums. And while we’re here, why is it that the poor mums are singled out for the notatellingoff – what happened to all the notapushydads?
Anyway, I digress. We have started to get a load of applicants for our youngest character from actors aged fifteen and sixteen, who were citing the advert on notapushymum.com. Very strange – we certainly didn’t place anything there. But, lo and behold, there we are in their auditions list, using copy appropriated from our casting postings on other talent sites.
Suddenly the offering of zombie children starts to look less sinister. Marginally.
My apologies to any actor aged below eighteen, but we are not going to be able to offer you a role in the movie, much as we might like to. No matter whether your notapushymum says it’s OK or not. The fact is that we will be shooting at night, and we run into horribly restrictive labour laws if we employ a minor.
Otherwise, the actorly interest has tapered off to a medium gush. As of this moment we are at 158 submissions for the ten roles, and it has been a blast working through the showreels and CVs. There have been a couple of moments when an actor’s details have come up, and they are the absolute match of the character that we have been writing. More excitingly, there have been instances when a moment in a showreel has triggered us into re-imagining our character in a completely different direction. If anybody that sent us their details has found their way onto the blog, a massive thank you for a very entertaining weekend.
And everybody seems to get the zombie genre. Witness the amount of head-shots we’ve been sent.
Our casting call posting can stay up on Talent Circle till mid-May, but whether it will or not is a debate not yet had at Charmed Central (mainly because Jake is off doing his stint with the Bollywood production this week). Whatever, May will be the month when we kick off the auditioning process, and a longer discussion needs to happen before then on the best chop-checking passages.
But all in all, I have a distinctly fizzy feeling that this is all going to be quite a lot of fun. Stoked.